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Tuesday 24 February 2015

My thoughts on: Lush Cosmetics

Hey guys, I've really been enjoying blogging recently and I thought I would create a couple of regular posts on my blog.

I've called this one 'My thoughts on', I thought this was a great idea to do a couple of times a month or even more. 

I think this is a great way to tell you my thoughts on products/places/pieces of clothing, etc.

This first post of this series is going to be my thoughts on the Shop, Lush Cosmetics.

 Lush Cosmetics, is a company that creates handmade bath and shower products. 

A few years ago I would always walk past Lush in my hometown but I'd never walk in as I found the smell of the shop quite overpowering, which I found quite distracting.

About two years ago I decided to just go in there and have a look at the products, I found a lot of the things quite pricey so I decided not to buy anything.

But recently (the past year and a half) I've been obsessed with Lush and their products.

Every time you walk into one of their shops you are always welcomed with such lovely staff who welcome you with open arms, each and every one of their staff is so happy and helpful.

A lot of shops that you go in nowadays I find a lot of the staff seem to be quite distracted, moody or rude.

But in Lush its a different scenario. My mum has recently been having Chemo and was finding it hard to find a certain shampoo to use on her hair, the lovely ladies in Lush were so happy to help her and give her a whole list of products that other ladies/gentlemen undergoing Chemo treatment have used and what worked for them. 

It made me feel even more comfortable as I feel that they are not just there to sell you their products but are also happy to help all different kinds of people going through all sorts of situations.

Although a lot of people won't give Lush a second look, as some might say their products are over priced. I personally think its nice to spend a little more on products that are handmade and of such good quality, as you know they won't be so harmful on your skin and do not contain any harsh chemicals.

The Company also do not test on animals, which I think is great.

Another thing I love is that every occasion that comes up from Christmas/Valentines Day/Mothers Day/Easter/Spring, etc. 
Lush are always bringing out new products to suit every occasion which I think is adorable.

Their original products are sold all year round also, but I personally think its nice to have a change once in a while and pick up a few limited addition bits.

A few of my favourites from the company are - 

Masks -
Catastrophe Cosmetic - £6.50
Mask of Magnaminty, Self preserving - £9.75 

Bath products -
Comforter, bubble bar - £4.75
Space girl, bath bomb - £2.35
Snow fairy, shower gel (LIMITED EDITION, only available at Christmas time
Magic Wand, bubble bar (LIMITED EDITION, only available at Christmas time)

Lip products -
Popcorn, lip scrub -  £5.50
Santa's, lip scrub (LIMITED EDITION, only available at Christmas time)

My overall thoughts on Lush Cosmetics -
An amazing company which I will forever repurchase from, the best quality of products, lovely staff and a brand that does no harm to the environment. 
I would really recommend this shop to all ages, especially a great place to go if you are looking for gifts for someone with a love of beauty products.

Hope you enjoyed this post!

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